Taking risks.
That is what has been on my heart lately. And by taking risks I don't mean sky diving...bungee jumping...or any such thing.
I more or less mean taking risks...experiencing life...just..living.
What spurred on such a subject, you ask?
Well, it started last week at small group when we were talking about the subject of taking risks for God. We talked about experiencing life and taking risks because we never know how God will bless us when we take those risks. And it really got me to thinking about how I don't often take risks.
I am a HIGHLY organized person. I don't know what I would do without my planner. I have my daily schedule. And when that schedule gets screwed up...I start to stress out. And that's not always a good thing.
And I realized how I have lived life pretty safe. I like to know what's going to happen tomorrow. Well..God doesn't exactly work that way. Sometimes I just get on this path of daily routine that anything that gets thrown at me complete knocks me off balance.
And then I realized that I need to STOP being so stinking organized and stop letting my routine dictate my days. I need to not let myself get knocked off balance when my schedule gets shot to pieces.
And THEN i realized that sometimes I can get really uptight about life and not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow. Sometimes I get so worried that I am not following God's exact plan for my life and I get worked up about it.
We sometimes live in fear that if we make one wrong decision or if we don't follow God's map of our lives perfectly, then God is going to get mad at us. But God's will for our life is that we are in constant and close relationship with Him. God is NOT going to give me a detailed map of my life and send me on my merry way. Where is the relationship in that? God wants to adventure through life WITH me!
I once read in a Youthwalk devotional that we shouldn't think of God's will as a straight & narrow path. We should picture God's will as an open field. God gives us boundaries...but that is so we don't get hurt. But we have COMPLETE freedom to RUN, JUMP, & PLAY!
We shouldn't feel the pressure to get every single thing in life right. Because we won't. We are going to make mistakes. We are going to detour down the wrong path from time to time. And we need to stop getting frustrated with ourselves for that.
Learn to be OK with the journey!
Roll with the punches & enjoy the adventure!
Run. Jump. Leap. SOAR. Experience LIFE the way God CREATED it to be experienced!
The best part about it? God will be right there with you.
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