Sunday, December 19, 2010

I have decided..

Do you ever have those moments when the words of a song or a video or the words of a friend hit you with such force that it almost knocks you to your knees? Your heart wells up and tears start to fall? Yeah...I had one of those moments recently.

It came one night at Chi Alpha as we were singing these words:

I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back. No turning back.

What a huge decision to make. I can't really explain what it was about these words that hit me so hard. Following Jesus is not a decision that can be made half-heartedly. You can't put one foot in and say "Ok God..I think this is good. I can follow you...for the most part."

With's all or nothing.

Think about that for a second. ALL. or nothing.

Whoa. I still get chills thinking about that. I still am not sure why these words..which I have sang so many times... hit me with the force of a brick wall. Maybe it's because God has blessed me in so many undeserved ways..especially lately. Or maybe it's because everyday I witness the awesome things God does in my life and the lives of others. I see the benefits of following Jesus. It's hard. There are trials. But don't the benefits outweigh the trials a million to one?!

Though none go with me.
Still I will follow.
Though none go with me.
Still I will follow.
No turning back. No turning back.

I think that is sometimes the hardest part about the decision to follow Jesus. We decide to follow Jesus...but often times that decision is not masked by the people in our lives. We are ridiculed and condemned. We are called hypocrites and fakes. We desperately wish for our friends and family to understand our choice.

I think this is the hardest part for me. I really hate when people get upset with me...or think that I am judging them. I am a people pleaser. And I REALLY hate when people are mad at me. But a very wise person recently pointed out to me that Jesus didn't make people happy. Clearly not, otherwise He never would have been put to death.

Jesus wanted to please people. But people weren't pleased with Him. But He decided to continue to follow His purpose. No turning back.

The world behind me.
The cross before me.
The world behind me.
The cross before me.
No turning back. No turning back.

It's a daily battle. Giving up every part of ourselves. Giving up our wordly desires. Every day we have a decision to make: will we follow Jesus? We must leave the world behind us and keep the cross ALWAYS before us. And we must never turn back. It's SO hard some days. The pain and the trials might feel like they aren't worth the struggle. But they are. They are SO SO SO worth it! When we decide to follow Jesus....He will reward us. He will carry us through the pain and the sorrows. For we have decided to follow Him...the Almighty God who loves us more than we can fathom. In the's all worth it.

Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
No turning back. No turning back.